Understanding the Significance of Static IP Addresses in VPNs

An image with IP addresses in the background with "Static IP Addresses" text written on the front

Do you work at a place with internet jammers around? Or maybe your favorite sport is streaming live on a service you cannot access. If you ever find yourself in such a scenario, you must have downloaded a VPN service. VPNs provide static IP addresses. They are crucial for you to access that blocked site or streaming service or bypass the internet jammers to access your favorite applications.

While VPNs allow you to bypass blocked sites only, static IP addresses add another layer of security. Static IP addresses provide a consistent point of reference for easier monitoring and tracking of network traffic, which can help identify unauthorized access attempts or anomalies in usage patterns. As the technological world picks up, internet privacy and unrestricted access to online content stay of paramount importance. This brings in the need to understand the role of static IP addresses in VPNs.

What is Static IP?

An image with blue background showing the process of how VPN acts as tunnel between your device and the internet

Let’s get the basics down before we jump into the VPN pool. An IP address is like your home address but on the internet. It tells other computers where to find your device on the big web. Most of us have dynamic IPs, which change every time we log on. It’s like getting a new address every day!

However, a static IP address is your permanent digital address. No matter how often you log on and off, your address stays the same. Imagine always having the same locker at school — that’s what a static IP does for you on the internet.

Did you know? Only about 30% of IP addresses on the internet are static. The rest are dynamic IPs that change periodically.

Static vs. Dynamic IP Addresses

two hands using a phone connecting to the internet

To fully understand the concept of static IP addresses, let’s put their dynamic counterparts to contrast:

FeatureStatic IPDynamic IP
DefinitionFixed, unchanging IP addressTemporarily assigned, changing periodically
AssignmentManually set or assigned by the ISPAutomatically assigned by the ISP
CostGenerally higher due to exclusivityUsually included in standard ISP packages
SecurityPotentially more vulnerable to targeted attacksLess prone to direct targeting
Use CaseRemote access, servers, security systemsGeneral internet browsing

How Do Static IP Addresses Work in VPNs?

hands using laptop with a VPN

Combining a VPN with a static IP address? That’s where magic happens. A VPN network is like an online disguise that protects your privacy while letting you surf the web anonymously by hiding your real IP address. Adding a static IP gives you privacy and a reliable and consistent online identity. Let’s see how they work hand-in-hand:

  1. Better Access and Less Blocking: Ever got blocked from your favorite show or game because of your location? A static IP can fix that. Websites see your static IP provided by the VPN and think, “Oh, it’s just you again,” letting you in without fuss.
  2. Safe and Sound: With a static IP, security systems like banks and email services recognize you each time; this means fewer alarms go off when you log in, reducing the chances of being locked out of your accounts.
  3. Smooth Remote Access: Need to get into your home network from somewhere else? A static IP makes this a breeze, letting you connect to your devices back home without jumping through hoops.

How Static IP Addresses Benefit VPN Users?

A finger touching the digital screen with VPN written on it

When used with VPNs, static IP addresses provide a range of benefits that can enhance your internet experience, such as:

Improved Accessibility

Remote workers often need to access company resources securely. With the dawn of working from home, employees away from the office may find themself in a situation where they need to retrieve a crucial file from the company’s on-premise database. This would require a Static IP address to ensure the connection remains uninterrupted and continuous by providing a stable access point.

Enhanced Security

Static IP addresses also offer enhanced security. Some systems allow access exclusively to known IP addresses. The significance of another security layer, for example, IP whitelisting, is therefore emphasized in this 2023 cybersecurity report, and almost 73% of data breaches resulted from unauthorized access.

Reliable Connection

For gamers, static IP addresses provide a reliable connection to gaming servers. Dynamic IP changes often cause lag or server disconnection, but with a static IP address, these problems are minimized. Research by VPN Insights found that 56% of VPN users in 2023 valued static IP addresses for their reliability and gaming benefits.

Moreover, hosting an FTP server or website becomes more manageable with a static IP address, ensuring your clients have the same IP to connect to. Dynamic IP addresses often trigger CAPTCHAs due to high traffic and frequent changes, while a static IP minimizes these prompts, providing a smoother browsing experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Static IP Address with PureWL

Follow the step-by-step guide below to get static IP addresses with PureWL:

Contact Support: PureWL offers dedicated support for static IP requests. You can:

  • Open a Support Ticket: Describe your requirement for a static IP.
    • Live Chat: Engage with a support agent via the website’s chat feature.
    • Email Support: Send your request to the support email provided.
  • Specify Location: Mention the preferred location for your static IP address. PureWL offers IP addresses in multiple countries, so ensure your chosen location aligns with your business needs.
  • Verification Process: The support team may require additional information to verify your business account.


Whether you are to access files from the office database away from home or you need to access sites stopped by internet jammers – VPN is the solution. With static IP addresses, a VPN allows a safe and anonymous web surfing experience.

The concept of static IP addresses may seem technical initially, but understanding their role in VPNs is crucial for anyone aiming for a secure and seamless internet experience. Whether you’re a business looking to safeguard your network or an individual seeking unrestricted online access, a static IP address in a VPN can be the game-changer.