Elevating Mobile Data Security

Our Collaboration with Samsung Electronics

Industry: Hardware Manufacturers

Highlights: Enhanced Privacy Protection, Wi Fi Security, API Integrations

“We are also pleased to celebrate our anniversary and would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to your great contribution and efforts to support us.  I am sure that our engineering team feel the same way toward PureVPN.  We hope we can continue our collaboration for years to come and ask for your continued support.”

The South Korean Tech Giant

Samsung Electronics, a global technology leader known for its innovative products and cutting-edge technology solutions. In an era where connectivity is paramount, Samsung recognizes the importance of safeguarding users’ online experiences. Launched in 2017, Secure Wi-Fi feature – Samsung wanted to add one more layer of privacy that helps mask users’ identity and their traffic when hooked up to a Wi-Fi hotspot.


In an era defined by digital connectivity, the paramount importance of online security and privacy is undeniable. PureVPN, a distinguished VPN service provider with a legacy of excellence, has forged a pioneering collaboration with the global technology giant, Samsung Electronics. This strategic partnership is set to reshape the landscape of online security and empower users with unprecedented protection against evolving cyber threats. This case study delves into how PureVPN joined forces with Samsung to create a safer digital realm.

The Quest for Safer Online Experiences:

PureVPN’s commitment to enhancing online privacy and security has earned it a reputation as one of the industry’s premier VPN providers. With over 15 years of experience in the security software sector, PureVPN has been at the forefront of innovation, consistently adapting to the dynamic landscape of digital threats.

The Quest for Safer Online Experiences:

PureVPN’s commitment to enhancing online privacy and security has earned it a reputation as one of the industry’s premier VPN providers. With over 15 years of experience in the security software sector, PureVPN has been at the forefront of innovation, consistently adapting to the dynamic landscape of digital threats.

Elevating Samsung’s Secure Wi-Fi with Enhanced Privacy Protection:

Samsung Electronics, a global technology leader known for its innovative products and cutting-edge technology solutions. In an era where connectivity is paramount, Samsung recognizes the importance of safeguarding users’ online experiences. Launched in 2017, Secure Wi-Fi feature – Samsung wanted to add one more layer of privacy that helps mask users’ identity and their traffic when hooked up to a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Unmasking the Potential Threats:

PureVPN’s partnership with Samsung sought to confront a multitude of digital threats that endanger user data:

Online Threats:

The partnership’s focal point was to shield users from all online threats that constantly loom. By integrating EPP, both entities aimed to erect a robust barrier that prevents malicious actors from infiltrating users’ digital spheres.

Manipulation and Misuse:

Cyber threats often encompass not only direct attacks but also manipulation and misuse of users’ data. The collaboration aimed to neutralize these threats by augmenting Secure Wi-Fi’s capabilities with enhanced encryption.

The Integration Process

The success of this collaboration lay in the meticulous integration process that united PureVPN’s technical prowess with Samsung’s innovative Secure Wi-Fi framework.

  1. Technical Alignment: Engineers and experts from both PureVPN and Samsung engaged in a detailed technical alignment process. This phase involved understanding the intricacies of each other’s technologies and determining how they could seamlessly coalesce.
  2. Customized Implementation: PureVPN’s Enhanced Privacy Protection (EPP) technology was meticulously tailored to integrate with Samsung’s Secure Wi-Fi feature. This involved adapting the EPP to complement the existing framework and provide uninterrupted user experience.
  3. Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure that the integration did not compromise the performance, stability, or user-friendliness of Samsung’s Secure Wi-Fi. This phase included real-world simulations of potential cyber threats and user scenarios.
  4. User Experience Enhancement: A key aspect of the integration process was optimizing the user experience. PureVPN and Samsung collaborated to ensure that the additional layer of protection did not hinder or complicate users’ interactions with the Secure Wi-Fi feature.
  5. Fine-Tuning and Iteration: The integration process involved iterative refinement to achieve the desired outcome seamlessly. Feedback from user testing and technical analysis informed continuous improvements.

Anonymity and Enhanced Privacy For All Samsung Galaxy Users

The relation between PureVPN’s expertise and Samsung’s technological prowess resulted in a remarkable advancement in online privacy. Through the EPP integration, users gained the power to navigate the digital realm with heightened anonymity. The amalgamated offering masked users’ identities and online activities, effectively thwarting potential threats that could compromise their digital footprints.

A Symbiotic Synergy

PureVPN’s history of innovation was further exemplified by its pioneering integration of quantum-resistance encryption keys into its VPN service. With its partnership with Samsung, the company aimed to bring this ethos to the mobile data security arena. By joining forces, PureVPN and Samsung established a symbiotic synergy that not only catered to current security needs but also anticipated and addressed future challenges.

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“We’re proud to be partnering with Samsung at a time when there is increased focus on digital security and privacy globally. These are the absolute rights of all internet users and we’re happy Samsung is leading from the front in the mobile device space.”

Uzair Gadit – CEO of PureWL