Change Password

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Changing a VPN account password via API is an essential feature for maintaining account security and ensuring that users can update their credentials as needed. This functionality allows administrators or users to programmatically update the password of a VPN account, which is critical for managing access and protecting sensitive information. This article provides a technical overview of how to implement password changes through API calls.

Change Password

Use this API to change password of a VPN Account.

Returns a JSON object that contains the VPN username.

  • URL: <base url>/vam/v2/changePassword
  • Request Method: PUT


KeyTypePass inDescription
X-AccessToken*StringHeader accessToken retrieved from Get Access Token endpoint
vpnUsername*StringBodyVPN Username
newPassword*StringBodyNew Password. Password must not contain non ASCII characters like (£, 你好)
confirmNewPassword*StringBodyShould be equal to newPassword
(*) Required Parameter


headerJSONJSON object that describes return code and message
bodyJSONJSON object that return VPN username

Possible API error codes

1801There is some problem in changing vpn account passwordAn error occurred while attempting to change the VPN account password.
2057Account disable / deleted (not found).The account does not exist in the system.
11001The provided username is not valid for this resellerThe provided username is not recognized as valid for the associated reseller.
11001The password limit is a minimum of 12 characters and a maximum of 32 characters.The password must be between 12 and 32 characters in length.
11001confirmNewPassword does not matchThe confirmNewPassword field does not match the new password.
11001Password Policy not match must contain at least one uppercase, lowercase, digit and sepcial characters !@#$%^&,.:{} letterThe password does not meet the required policy.
100016Please follow password length rules. Feel free to contact AdminThe password length should be between 7 – 51 characters, which does not meet the required length.

Sample Response

  "header": {
    "response_code": 1,
    "message": "Password of VPN account has been changed successfully"
  "body": {
    "vpnUsername": "xxxxx"
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