Get Status

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Retrieving the status of a VPN account is an important feature for managing and monitoring VPN connections. This functionality allows administrators or users to query the current state of a VPN account. This article provides a technical overview of how to implement VPN account status retrieval through API calls.


Use this API to check VPN account status by giving VPN username as mandatory parameter.

Returns JSON object that contains the VPN username and status.

  • URL: <base url>/vam/v2/status
  • Request Method: GET


KeyTypePass inDescription
X-AccessToken*StringHeaderaccessToken retrieved from Get Access Token endpoint
vpnUsername*StringQuery ParameterVPN Username for which status needs to be retrieved.
(*) Required Parameter


headerJSON object that describes return code and message.
bodyJSON object that contains the vpnUsername and its status.

Possible API error codes

1001There is some problem in fetching vpn account statusAn error occurred while attempting to fetch the VPN account status.
11001The provided username is not valid for this resellerThe provided username is not recognized as valid for the associated reseller.

Sample Response

  "header": {
    "response_code": 1,
    "message": "VPN account status fetched successfully"
  "body": {
    "vpnUsername": "xxxxxxxx",
    "status": "Enabled:February 26, 2024"
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