Password-Cracking Techniques Used by Hackers


Passwords can be seen as front liners in protecting unauthorized access to information, either personal or professional. Despite the criticality that passwords play, people continue to have weak or repetitive passwords, making it easy for attackers to exploit them. Understanding how these weaknesses are exploited might help you better protect your sensitive data. In this blog, we’ll break down the common techniques used for password cracking by hackers and provide a look into how PureWL’s custom, white-label password manager solutions can help you armor your defenses.

Understand Password Cracking

Password cracking is a technique implemented by cybercrsiminals to gain unauthorized access to systems via deciphering or guessing passwords. This involves several methods, each with its approach to breaching security. The success of hackers in breaking passwords usually brings them to valuable information or the compromise of system integrity. Being informed about these techniques can enable you to take proactive steps to secure your accounts and data against potential threats.

Common Password-Cracking Techniques

Brute Force Attacks

With brute force, hackers keep trying different passwords until the right one is discovered. This method is effective but is very time-consuming, more so when handling passwords of high complexity.

Dictionary Attacks

The dictionary attacks is that one it uses a precompiled list of words/ common phrases and passwords. Attackers will use such information, which is largely made up of words and their common variations, to compromise simpler passwords easily.

Credential Stuffing

This one is where stolen usernames and passwords from one breach are used to log into other accounts whose users reuse the same credentials. This attack relies on the inherent nature of people to use the same password in different sites.

Social Engineering

Social engineering attacks trick a person into revealing private information. The attacker may impersonate being someone the victim trusts, or they may trick the person through psychological means into revealing their password.

Password Managers in Countering Attacks

Strong, unique passwords are vital in countering all these password cracking methods. Password managers maintain security at the highest level through creating complex, almost impossible-to-hack passwords and managing changes and updates. They will also manage changes to your password, ensuring that your credentials are kept robust and protected. With custom white label solutions in password storage, following the best practices in password security is made easier by centralizing and securing your password storage, which eventually reduces the chances of success by attackers.

Password-cracking attempts can be warded with this property of custom white-label password manager solutions from PureWL, such as automatic password generation. Such a solution generates highly complex passkeys not just resistant to brute-force but also able to pass a dictionary attack. They also come up with the secure sharing options, very detailed on access control, such that no unauthorized person can gain access or alter the information they consider sensitive.


Knowledge of many password cracking techniques availed through hackers is a critical learning point if you wish to guard your personal and organizational data from intrusions. Effectively counter the threats with strong, unique passwords and secure management practices using PureWL’s custom white-label password manager. Implementation of such type of tools and best practices makes you a front-runner in the field, helping to provide strong protection for sensitive information.